Rebound Beach Volleyball Info

Rebound Volleyball is a different style of Volleyball from its counter parts Indoor Volleyball and traditional Beach Volleyball.  The court is inside a fully enclosed net which players can use the nets to hit the ball against, either defending or in offense (therefore there is no out).  The rules are the same to traditional volleyball with some small variations to accommodate for the play style inside the netting (e.g. can not hit the ball off the top net and onto the opponents side).  There are generally 4 – 6 players per team and the game consists of three (3) timed sets.  The games are Open competitions which means it does not matter how many players of each gender are in a team (e.g 3 ladies 3 men, 5 ladies 1 man, etc).  There are 3 separate divisions which a team can nominate for.

We are currently offering a Rebound competitions on Monday and Tuesday nights.  If you are interested in watching Rebound Volleyball in action we encourage you to come down and have a look.  Tuesday nights are great to watch due to amount of varied competitions played on that night.

If you are in starting a team or even joining a team please express interest to either Manger Peter (0432 290 067) or Roger (0406 200 194).

Or alternatively complete a registration form here



6 a side – (can be played with 4 to 6 players)


Three 14 minutes sets


Divisions 1, 2 and 3


$12 per person


Monday (New!!), Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights



20140518 Interclub 267

                                         20100516 Interclub Round 6 123